Product / Candidate Engagement

Keep the conversation going, wherever applicants are

The average job has 150 applicants. Find the best while keeping the others engaged. Automate outreach, scheduling, and comms across recruitment-related channels. Improve messaging with conversational insights.

Our users...

How it works

Engage candidates at scale.

Let AI handle the hassle of hiring at scale so you can focus on building a great team

No more ‘leaky bucket’ hiring pipelines

4.8/5 average candidate rating. Drive conversations and next steps with real business impact like increased interview show rates and decreased time-to-fill positions.

Stop applicant apathy, make all conversations matter

Automation and AI-driven conversational insights turn good and bad "fits" into opportunities for future optimization. Say goodbye to manual note-taking on applicants and engage with applicants at scale with data.

Turn every candidate into a brand ambassador

Employer brand is brand. Our customizable chat interactions allow you to lead with your brand 24/7. Conversation analytics show you what's working and isn't to increase conversion further.

And automatically sync notes, records, transcripts, and insights with your ATS

Humanly helps Moss Adams level up the experience for our candidates and increases productivity for our recruiting team by automating processes that give us back valuable time. The integration with our ATS was also key to success in our partnership.”

Silke Olsen

Recruiting Director

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Humanly is trusted by Fortune 500's and quickly-growing startups alike.