Use Cases / Finance and Banking

Pick two three: quality candidates, at scale, quickly

We help leading finance and banking organizations screen, vet, and schedule 1,000’s of candidates around the clock. Improve hiring over time with insights from our conversational AI.

Our users...

How it works

We highlight what makes a candidate shine when recruiting at scale.

Let AI handle the hassle of hiring at scale so you can focus on building a great team

Improve recruiter efficiency 5x

From intake and scheduling through our AI assistant to take notes, Humanly levels up recruiters and surfaces data to make hiring decisions in one interface.

Don’t miss out on 1-in-2 applications that are after hours

Long hiring processes are the single largest reason candidates leave the hiring pipeline. Reach out immediately to vet, schedule and provide next steps for candidates in a multi-channel conversational interface.

Your brand front and center, in every engagement

Hiring at scale doesn’t have to mean lower quality engagements. Lead with your brand wherever candidates may be. Use our AI-driven conversational analytics to drive higher quality conversations and address concerns before they grow.

Hiring at scale with Moss Adams

applicants screened in 3 months
candidate rating of interview process
of candidates engaged after work hours
recruiter hours saved per month helps Moss Adams level up the experience for our candidates and increases productivity for our recruiting team by automating processes that give us back valuable time. The integration with our ATS was also key to success in our partnership.”

Silke Olsen

Associate Director of Talent Acquisition, Moss Adams

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Humanly is trusted by Fortune 500's and quickly-growing startups alike.